When to get a dyslexia evaluation?
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Dyslexia Assessment - When to Get a Dyslexia Evaluation?
Before the awareness of people and before the availability of dyslexia evaluation, dyslexia is not a known condition. People suffering from this disorder are often labeled as dumb, stupid or lazy due to their learning disability.
What is Dyslexia?
Dyslexia is a learning disability mainly in reading and spelling. Dyslexics have difficulties in processing words and numbers due to the different way their brain functions or process information, but it has nothing to do with intelligence. They also show difficulties in recognizing sequence, directions, understanding or repeating instructions and they reverse numbers and letters. The word dyslexia came from two Greek words: "dys" which means "impaired" and "lexis" which means "word."
Dyslexia is a disorder that varies from person to person. Each dyslexic has different severity. It is important to get a dyslexia evaluation as early as possible if you or the people you love show signs of dyslexia.
Getting a dyslexia evaluation as early as possible will allow you to know what you are dealing with to get the necessary treatment. Today, there are a lot of help and treatments available for dyslexia. This will also prevent further damage caused by dyslexia in your life. Early dyslexia evaluation will help you learn as early as possible how to deal with your disorder. People are sometimes cruel and dyslexics who grew up not knowing their condition and do not know how to cope with their disabilities are often ridiculed and teased resulting to confusion, low self-esteem and lonely childhood.
Unfortunately, there are children suspected to have the symptoms and yet their parents decided not to have their children go through a dyslexia evaluation believing that they will outgrow their learning disability. In return they suffer the symptoms until they become adults. This should not be the case since dyslexia is a disorder that needs proper intervention as early as possible. There are dyslexics who have learned how to cope with their disabilities and became successful in their chosen professions.
But it is not too late to get help now and seek the necessary treatment. If you suspect that you have the symptoms of dyslexia, the first step to deal with it is to get a dyslexia evaluation.
Did you know that you can take an adult dyslexia evaluation at the privacy and comfort of your own home? The first internet performance-based dyslexia test for adults is now available. Find out right now if you are showing any signs of dyslexia visit Adult Dyslexia Screening Online
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Gerry Restrivera writes informative articles on various subjects including Dyslexia Assessment: When to Get a Dyslexia Evaluation? You are allowed to publish this article in its entirety provided that author's name, bio and website links must remain intact and included with every reproduction
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