Learning Disability - Dyslexia
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Dyslexia is a specific learning disability and is concerned with writing and reading. Most children learn to read by the age of six, but in children suffering with Dyslexia there is a delay at which the child begins to read, sometimes they are still unable to read even in the second grade.
Some symptoms that a child is Dyslexic are
. Spelling difficulty is a common symptom. Some words commonly misspelled by Dyslexics are many, any, they, said, enough, friend and some words may be spelt in the following way, journey is spelt as jerney, or search as serch and knock as nock.
. Dyslexia is hereditary, that is, it runs in families and is of a neurological origin, that is, it is caused by a failure in the brain that is concerned with language. It is even thought that it may be caused by lack of hearing at an early age probably owing to ear infections.
. The strongest indication that a child may be Dyslexic is that although the child appears to be bright, he/she has problems reading, or spelling or coping with mathematics.
. They get confused between left and right and with directions such as East and West.
. Inability to follow simple instructions.
. They are unable to organize themselves.
. They get confused with b/d and p/9 they therefore tend to write b as capital, that is, B to avoid the confusion.
Dyslexia is not limited to children but it can go on right through into adulthood. It is equally common in both girls and boys and not more prevalent in boys as originally thought to be.
Dyslexics even though they have a problem with writing, spelling and reading are of average intelligence or above average intelligence. They usually exhibit talent in sports, music, art, designing, drama, mechanics, engineering and sales. They are usually considered to be lazy, immature and careless or they may be thought of as individuals who do not try hard enough or may be even termed as having a behavioral problems. Because of their inabilities they often feel frustrated and are emotional and suffer from poor self-esteem. They also tend to have a very short attention span.
How you can help your child who is Dyslexic
You can help your child if he suffers from dyslexia by talking to your child and explaining to him/her what exactly it is and that is not a failing on his/her part. The better your child grasps this, the better he/she will be able to deal with it.
As a parent, you should be supportive and patient and show plenty of love as your child's self-esteem may be affected if he/she suffers from a learning disability. Very often, children who do suffer from a learning disorder are very talented; therefore, his/her strengths and talents should be encouraged.
The home should be made as comfortable as possible for your child to study in. Take care to give him/her a well-organized, quiet and clean place for your child to study. Also have a particular study time for him/her. Also provide plenty of nourishment and rest along with plenty of family support.
Joining a support group thereby staying in touch with parents of other dyslexics will also be an added benefit in providing you with support emotionally and relevant information.
Keeping in constant touch with you child's teacher can be beneficial in that the teacher becomes fully aware of your child's disability and then both parent and teacher can work in conjunction in various ways to help the child.
Michael Russell Your Independent Learning Disability guide.
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